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Fink Vanity 7548.jpg

Fink Vanity 7548

This is our newest donor Fink Vanity 7548 EF1256134.  She is in the top 1% of the breed for YW, TSI, REA and MRB!  She is in the top 2% for CW and top 3% for WW!  We are flushing her aggressively and should have calves for sale as early as Fall 2022!  She may be the best Blanco Flash female in the county!





WCR MS Duke is still very productive at age 15. WCR Ms Duke 6025 owned with BJR Summerford Ranch. 6025 was our pick out of the Wienk Legacy Mature Cow Herd Dispersal. She is pregnant with full sib to WCR Legacy the $17,000 bull from the 2014 Wienk bull sale. 6025 is the only cow in the breed with this large of a spead between Birth Weight and Total Maternal EPDs. She has 117 weaning weight ratio on 5 calves to back up her EPDs. After calving this spring, we plan on flushing her agresively with the Summerfords here at Desco Charolais. Stay tuned as embryos are produced in the future and progeny become available. 

Ms Duke 6025
Desco OD Duke Duanne 213 P F1158404

She is due this fall to ACE Mr Doc Easy and then will go into our ET program. She is as pretty on dirt as she is on paper. She is in the top 1% of the breed for Milk and Total Maternal with a negative birth weight and positive for Ribeye and Marbling. She has eye appeal with good feet and legs, a wide square hip, deep ribbed and smooth shouldered.

847 X Smokester Daughter

This 847 X Smokester daughter has a 25 milk and 42 Total Maternal EPD.

847 X Smokester Daughter
847 X Smokester

Our Top EPD Cow 847 Has a 26 Milk and 46 Total maternal making her one of the top 13 Cows on the breed. We will flush her soon.

847 X Smokester
JC Maggie X Wyoming Wind flushmates

Thank you to Evan Yost of Morgantown, WV for purchasing one of our JC Maggie X Wyoming Wind flushmates. We are looking forward to working with these embryos with you. Look for ET genetic from this pair soon after they calve in Sping 2012!

JC Maggie X Wyoming Wind flushmatesB.jpe
HBR Lady Equalizer 416

HBR Lady Equilizer 416, This matriarch is currently in the flush program since she is superior both in EPD value (Total Maternal 43) and structure, capacity and thickness.

HBR Lady Magnum 850

HBR Lady Magnum 850 was flushed with Rogers Bar to propogate her superior production and EPDs. She was once the highest Milk EPD (30) cow in the breed. At ten years old she weaned a calf every year starting at 2 yrs. Several daughters are in the Desco herd including a 2250 Daughter with Total Maternal EPD of 46 making her one of the top 10 cows in the breed. Out of these 10 she has the lowest Birth weight EPD.

HBR Lady Magnum 850.jpg
Desco Fast Lady 702

Fast Lady was flushed to Cooley Russell since she and he both were superior for DNA carcass and Feed efficiency testing. Then Myers Charolais Farm purchased her for $4000 in the World Class Sale. We still have her daughters in the herd.

Desco Fast Lady 702.jpg
Miss Marylin

Desco Marylin was one of the best cows we have sold and the best uddered cow we have seen. Sired by Fasttrack, she turned heads at the 2007 World Class Sale selling to Bar J Ranch in TX for $2750. She is still producing in their herd.

Miss Marylin
Lady Magnum 319N

HBR Lady Magnum 319 was hand selected by Daren and Harlan Rogers to start an embryo project together. She was selected for her high EPDs and her superior production and conformation. We have doughters by Baldridge Kojack and Hbr Cannon 2250.

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